Wednesday, December 5, 2018

CURMUDGUCATION: Real Stupid Artificial Intelligence (Personalized Learning's Missing Link)

CURMUDGUCATION: Real Stupid Artificial Intelligence (Personalized Learning's Missing Link)

Real Stupid Artificial Intelligence (Personalized Learning's Missing Link)

Good lord in heaven.

Intel would like a piece of the hot new world of Personalized [sic] Learning, and they think they have an awesome AI to help. And they have concocted a deliberately misleading video to promote it.

In the video, we see a live human teacher in a classroom full of live humans, all of whom are being monitored by some machine algorithms "that detect student emotions and behaviors" and they do it in real time. Now teachers may reply, "Well, yes, I've been doing that for years, using a technique called Using My Eyeballs, My Ears, and My Brain." But apparently teachers should not waste time looking at students when they can instead monitor a screen. And then intervene in "real time," because of course most teachers take hours to figure out that Chris looked confused by the classwork and a few days to respond to that confusion.

Oh, the stupid. It hurts.

First, of course, the machine algorithm (copywriters will be damned if they're going to write anything like "students will be monitored by computers") cannot detect student emotions. They absolutely cannot. They are programmed to use certain observable behaviors as proxies for emotions and engagement. How will Intel measure such things? We'll get there in a second. But we've already seen one version of this sort of mind-reading from NWEA, the MAP test folks, who now Continue reading: CURMUDGUCATION: Real Stupid Artificial Intelligence (Personalized Learning's Missing Link)