Saturday, November 3, 2018

Political Issues In Public Education - A Guide For Beginners | Blue Cereal Education

Political Issues In Public Education - A Guide For Beginners | Blue Cereal Education

Political Issues In Public Education - A Guide For Beginners

It’s election time again, and – in some places, at least – education-related disputes are once again all over social media and the local news. Given that it’s rare for such a traditional, local issue to break through our current national insanity, some of you might be wondering just what it is all these teachers keep whining about and why no one can presumably fix what seem to be pretty basic concerns.
None of these are intended as comprehensive or especially detailed, nor will they apply in every local variation of every argument. My hope, however, is that you’ll find them useful as a starting place for further research if you discover you care about those specifics, or as enough information to decipher those who ARE worked up and insist on talking about this stuff over and over and over and over…
Why are so many teachers opposed to testing? What’s wrong with accountability?
It can sometimes be difficult to narrow down exactly what it is states and taxpayers want public education to accomplish (not to mention the things we intrinsically value as educators). Prepare children for college, prepare them for the workforce, prepare them to be happy, personally fulfilled adults, teach them to be useful citizens of a voting republic, teach them character and personal responsibility, teach them to read, to think, to care, to problem-solve, to adapt, and give them grit, hope, respect for authority, and a deep personal sense of security and meaning in a fallen world.
Oh, and algebra – they need to know algebra.
Of these (and there are often more, depending on who’s in the state legislature that Continue reading: Political Issues In Public Education - A Guide For Beginners | Blue Cereal Education