Monday, October 1, 2018

Rick Scott can run, but he can't hide from record - enrique baloyra

Rick Scott can run, but he can't hide from record

Rick Scott can run, but he can't hide from record

Published on Sep 30, 2018


With just over a month left before midterms elections, Florida Governor and candidate for US Senate Rick Scott is nowhere to be found. The term-limited governor seems to have gone into seclusion after a series of botched campaign appearances. Scott came out swinging early in the race, spending $5 million by late April. By now he’s spent 10s of $millions on TV ads rated “mostly false” by Politifact. He should be making daily appearances, shaking as many hands as humanly possible. Instead, Scott is cancelling events. You might remember the campaign rally in Venice two weeks ago, where hundreds of protesters booed him for cutting nearly $700 million from the state’s environmental agencies, resulting in an 11-month toxic algae blooms that’ve been killing fish, manatees, and dolphins all over the state. The governor lasted 10 minutes before running out the back door. The next day he was met by dozens of protesters at a rally in Orlando. He was supposed to end his bus tour the following day in his hometown. But he suddenly cancelled the event without explanation. Some voters might remember how his administration banned the terms “climate change” and “global warming.” “And many voters might remember how [he] and the Republican Legislature shrunk the Department of Environmental Regulation, pauperized and politicized the water management districts, fired expert scientists and rewrote regulations to allow Big Sugar and other corporate interests to police their own polluting practices.” The governor recently postponed a hearing concerning FPL’s application for a new power plant in Dania Beach until after the election. Why isn’t he inviting cameras in for the public to watch the proceedings? Maybe it’s because he doesn’t want to take any questions about the nearly half $million he owns in FPL stock. Or maybe he doesn’t want a repeat of the clemency hearing he recently held to restore people’s voting rights. Reporters and cameras packed the Cabinet room, just days after the governor was skewered on national TV for making Florida “the disenfranchisement capital of America.” After running neck-and-neck for months, this week’s Marist poll has Senator Bill Nelson pulling ahead by over three points. Turns out it’s true what Nina Turner’s grandma said. “You can put truth in a river five days after a lie, truth eventually gone catch up.”

Rick Scott can run, but he can't hide from record - YouTube -