Tuesday, October 23, 2018

A Billionaire Stops Funding Charters and TFA, Starts Funding Public Schools! | Diane Ravitch's blog

A Billionaire Stops Funding Charters and TFA, Starts Funding Public Schools! | Diane Ravitch's blog

A Billionaire Stops Funding Charters and TFA, Starts Funding Public Schools!

She fell in love with public education.
She fell in love with the schools that take everyone, even the least of them, the children that the charters reject.
She got woke.
In the past three years alone, the foundation, which Barbara co-founded with her husband, has donated $50 million to public education programs in Connecticut.
“I never thought I would get into education because it’s not my background, so I am learning as I go along,” she said. “I love it. I don’t play golf or tennis. This is my passion.”
Connecticut Adds Two More Billionaires To The Forbes 400 List. Here’s A Look At All Nine Members.
Dalio, 70, who is universally described as humble and hands-on, said in an interview last week that her shift toward traditional public school districts came about as she learned more about education and became concerned about the achievement gap and students who are disengaged from school.
Dalio said she observed that the kids who go to public charter schools have parents who are often more involved and have the initiative to seek out an alternative for their child.
But many parents, she said, don’t have the time to do that.

“It’s not that they don’t care about the kids,” Dalio said of those parents. “It’s that they are burdened in many instances with just one parent having Continue reading: A Billionaire Stops Funding Charters and TFA, Starts Funding Public Schools! | Diane Ravitch's blog