Saturday, September 15, 2018

“Montessori, Inc.” Pre-K: Predictive Profiling for Power and Profit – Wrench in the Gears

“Montessori, Inc.” Pre-K: Predictive Profiling for Power and Profit – Wrench in the Gears

“Montessori, Inc.” Pre-K: Predictive Profiling for Power and Profit

This week Jeff Bezos of Amazon announced plans to direct $2 billion, in part, to the creation of a “Day 1 Academies Fund,” which would underwrite the costs of full-scholarship “tier one” Montessori model preschools in low-income communities.
I spent much of this past summer researching the construction of a speculative social impact investment market dealing in pre-school children’s human capital data (herehereherehereherehere, and here). Major players including University of Chicago economist James Heckman; hedge fund manager Robert Dugger; former Minneapolis Federal Reserve economist Arthur Rolnick; billionaire politician JB Pritzker; and Utah tech entrepreneur Jim Sorenson carried out this work quietly, diligently, steadily over the past decade.
The machine they’ve built is vast with tentacles reaching into influential foundations, institutions of higher education, venture capital firms, global banks, bipartisan political circles, and NGOs. It’s the puppet master behind all the Smart Start, Early Literacy, Grow Up Great, Grade Level Reading campaigns you see posted on buses and billboards in your town.
Image result for montessori Amazon
They use cute baby pictures in the advertising, but we need to recognize these efforts for what they truly are. This is about power, using digital technologies and predictive analytics, to mine rising global poverty rates for profit. Ever more vicious forms of innovative finance, like Social Impact Bonds and now impact securities, seek to transform human life into fictitious capital the elite can manipulate to enrich themselves. In this end Continue reading: “Montessori, Inc.” Pre-K: Predictive Profiling for Power and Profit – Wrench in the Gears