Saturday, June 16, 2018

Separating families at the border: Trump sees it as negotiating tactic. #KeepFamiliesTogether #WhereAreTheChildren

Separating families at the border: Trump sees it as negotiating tactic.

Trump Reportedly Ripping Children Away From Parents at Border as Negotiating Tactic

President Donald Trump has claimed to hate the policy that separates families at the border even as some of his top officials say it’s a way to deter immigrants from crossing into the United States. But turns out the commander in chief is moving forward with the practice that the American Academy of Pediatrics describes as causing children “irreparable harm” because it is a good negotiating tactic to give him the upper hand with Democrats, reports theWashington Post. “The president has told folks that in lieu of the laws being fixed, he wants to use the enforcement mechanisms that we have,” a White House official said. “The thinking in the building is to force people to the table.”
Publicly, Trump has pushed the message that Democrats are the ones who have the power to change the policy. “I hate the children being taken away,” Trump said Friday. But, as the Postnotes, using young immigrants as bait to get Democrats to agree to other demands isn’t new for the president. Previously he had tried to use protections for immigrants who were brought to the United States as children to try to get Democrats to agree to his immigration demands Continue reading: Separating families at the border: Trump sees it as negotiating tactic.