Saturday, February 17, 2018

We Fought for our Education #MeTooK12 #MeToo #TimesUp

Not in Our School! 
We Fought for our Education

My name is Charlotte Smalls and I am a Clinical Director in the juvenile justice field. My sister was harassed for almost two years by a star athlete at our Oregon high school before he raped her during a girl’s basketball game the week before Christmas vacation. My sister was terrified after her rapist threatened her life, so she reported the assault to the school. Nevertheless, the school sent her to the same lunch period with the assailant and then failed to protect her. That same day she was beaten up at school by a female friend of the rapist. Both my sister and I endured threats. We stayed out of school the rest of that week, and when we tried to return after vacation it was too dangerous to continue going to school. My sister struggled a great deal as a result of the assault. When we tried to get an education, the school’s response created a living hell. The school even retaliated against staff who tried to support our family.

No one ever mentioned our Title IX rights that were violated when the school protected the rapist, but not my sister or me. We had no alternative but to study at home. The star basketball assailant was only suspended for 2 days, even though there was forensic evidence that he raped my sister. In addition to the forensic evidence, the rapist admitted what he had done. The girl who beat up my sister was expelled. The rapist is the one who should have been expelled, and theWe Fought for our Education

 Not in Our School!


PART 1    PART 2
shnios-buxton is an innovative video for K-12 parents, middle and high school students, schools, and community organizations. It’s about gender equality in education, students’ protections under Title IX, and much more. Video Contents  Media Reports  Excerpts on our YouTube channel.
As high school students plan for their new gender equality group, we watch them interview nationally recognized education, legal, and LGBTQ experts and learn from counselors, advocates, parents, and students. The video offers simple steps and engaging activities to make schools safer with equal learning spaces for all students.
In Part 2, a teenage victim learns about her right to privacy and mandated reporting when she speaks with a victim’s advocate.
 was created by parents who know—first hand—how important this information is for K-12 families. Share the video and Action Guide widely. Use the Presentation Guide to invite others to start the conversation!
shnios-buxton is free of charge. Your tax-deductible donation helps to defray production costs and enables us to produce a Spanish language version.  To make your donation, please use PayPal. Thank you!

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