Monday, July 10, 2017

Why Democrats Should Follow the NEA, NAACP and Black Lives Matter and Unite On A Charter School Moratorium | Alternet

Why Democrats Should Follow the NEA, NAACP and Black Lives Matter and Unite On A Charter School Moratorium | Alternet:

Why Democrats Should Follow the NEA, NAACP and Black Lives Matter and Unite On A Charter School Moratorium

Another rallying point labor and civil rights agree on.

Democrats know that success for their party relies on bringing labor and civil rights advocates together on key issues.
Faced with disastrous Donald Trump, labor and civil rights advocates are rallying in common cause behind health care for all, a living wage for every worker, a tax system where the wealthy pay their fair share, tuition-free college, and an end to senseless, never-ending wars.
Here’s another rallying point labor and civil rights agree on: A moratorium on charter schools.
This week, the nation’s largest labor union, the National Education Association, broke from its cautious regard of charter schools to pass a new policy statementthat declares charter schools are a “failed experiment” that has led to a “separate and unequal” sector of schools that are not subject to the same “safeguards and standards” of public schools.
To limit the further expansion of these schools, the NEA wants a moratorium on new charters that aren’t subject to democratic governance and aren’t supportive of the common good in local communities.
The NEA’s action echoes a resolution passed earlier this year by the national NAACP calling for a moratorium on the expansion of charters and for stronger oversight of these schools. These declarations also align with a policy statement issued last year by the Movement for Black Lives, a network Black Lives Matter organizers, calling for a moratorium on charter schools.
Now that labor and civil rights groups have come together in a unified call for a moratorium on these unregulated, privately-operated schools, prominent Why Democrats Should Follow the NEA, NAACP and Black Lives Matter and Unite On A Charter School Moratorium | Alternet: