Friday, July 14, 2017

Louisiana: Want John White Gone? Then Ask Gov. Edwards to Join Ganey Arsement’s Lawsuit as a Plaintiff | deutsch29

Louisiana: Want John White Gone? Then Ask Gov. Edwards to Join Ganey Arsement’s Lawsuit as a Plaintiff | deutsch29:

Louisiana: Want John White Gone? Then Ask Gov. Edwards to Join Ganey Arsement’s Lawsuit as a Plaintiff

On July 10, 017, I attended the hearing regarding whether or not the plaintiffs in Ganey Arsement et al. vs. La. BESE have standing (i.e., the right to sue) for BESE’s having missed the deadline to submit La. state superintendent John White’s name for reconfirmation by the Louisiana senate. In short, BESE doesn’t have the 8 votes needed to renew White’s contract; so, BESE just ignored the issue beyond the June 08, 2017, deadline to have the senate reconfirm White.
The result of the July 10, 2017, hearing was that Judge Morvant ruled that none of the current plaintiffs have standing, or the right to sue.
But one person who does have that right is Governor John Bel Edwards, who made removing White a campaign promise “to the extent that I can control that.”
Well, JBE, here’s opportunity to “control that” being handed to you on the proverbial silver platter.
In an effort to win JBE’s support, Arsement is asking for the assistance of Louisiana voters who want White gone:
Monday July 10, 2017
Dear Supporters of Public Education,
Today we had our first hearing regarding the lawsuit filed against BESE. By now, you’ve probably seen the news reports that the case was “tossed out,” and John White can “keep his job.” This is not entirely true.
The judge determined that while our petition was for a “declaratory judgement,” the language crossed over into a “challenge to hold office,” which is reserved 
Louisiana: Want John White Gone? Then Ask Gov. Edwards to Join Ganey Arsement’s Lawsuit as a Plaintiff | deutsch29: