Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Hitting Left with the Klonsky Brothers. Episode #24. The show must go on. – Fred Klonsky

Hitting Left with the Klonsky Brothers. Episode #24. The show must go on. – Fred Klonsky:

Hitting Left with the Klonsky Brothers. Episode #24. The show must go on.


As my brother correctly pointed out, I am letting him do the heavy lifting this week, along with Susan Klonsky.
I am 3,000 miles away in the middle of the Atlantic on the Azores, an autonomous region of Portugal.
Created by volcanos, the islands sits on two different oceanic shelfs: the North American shelf and the Azorean shelf. They are a bounty of beautiful views, plants and birds.
Meanwhile back home, Hitting Left with the Klonsky Brothers aired live on Monday with guests Jose Cha Cha Jimenez of the Young Lords Party, Stan Mckinney formerly of the Black Panther Party and Amy Bennington.
Mike, Susan, Cha Cha and Stan were all in Chicago back in the day, fifty years ago at a different time in the Movement.
Mike and Susan recall arriving in Chicago in 1968, just married and with their first child, the streets on fire and meeting the Chairman of the Illinois Black Panther Party, Fred Hampton.
Chairman Fred was assassinated by the government in 1969. Both Cha Cha and Stan share their memories of Fred Hampton and stories from their activism.
The show will be rebroadcast on Friday on Lumpen Radio, 105.5fm at our regular time, 11AM and is available now for download here.
I’m back from my travels and will join brother Mike on July 28th with our second gubernatorial candidate Bob Diaber and Radio Free Bridgeport’s John Daly.
Then on August 4th our third show with a candidate in the Democratic Primary will be Senator Dan Biss.
On August 11th we will be talking public employee pensions and the recent actions of the Illinois state legislature with Jay Rehak of the Chicago Teachers Pension Fund and some of my blogger retirees cohorts. They are currently fighting over who gets to join us on the show. Best of three rounds.Hitting Left with the Klonsky Brothers. Episode #24. The show must go on. – Fred Klonsky: