Friday, July 7, 2017

FriData Diane Ravitch's blog | A site to discuss better education for all

Diane Ravitch's blog | A site to discuss better education for all:

FriData Diane Ravitch's blog
A site to discuss better education for all

Your Chance to Join the Success Academy Team!

Success Academy is hiring! Of course they are always hiring teachers due to the high rate of teacher turnover. More than 50% leave every year.

Southold, New York: Elementary School Will Get Giant Mother Goose Shoe!

David Gamberg, superintendent of schools in both Southold and Greenport, on Long Island, in New York, had a dream. He wanted to install a custom-made Mother Goose shoe, in which children could play. He wanted it to symbolize the 

Borowitz: Betsy DeVos is the Only Person Who Can Stop North Korea

Andy Borowitz, who writes humorous pieces for the New Yorker, says only one person can stop North Korea. He says Betsy DeVos is enroute to North Korea to reverse its progress in math and science. Vouchers for everyone! That will 

A Global Guide to the Power of Philanthro-Capitalism

Antonio Olmedo wrote this analysis of Philanthro-Capitalism. VENTURE PHILANTHROPY & THE NEOLIBERAL ECOSYSTEM: WHO NEEDS A MINISTRY OF EDUCATION? By Antonio Olmedo, University of Roehampton Coinciding 

Ohio: Kasich Vetoes Bills, Hurts Children

John Kasich likes to be unpredictable. One minute, he plays the moderate, sane Republican in contrast to irresponsible, impulsive Trump. Then he acts in Ohio and shows that he doesn’t have a clue about education, the most important responsibility and budget item in every state. Stephen Dyer of Innovation Ohio writes: “While Gov. John Kasich’s line-item veto of the Ohio Legislature’s freeze on Med
Texas: Voucher Proposal Won’t Help Children with Disabilities

They’re baaaaccckkk! The zombies called vouchers will be introduced again in the Texas State Senate, once again under the fraudulent claim that they are intended for children with disabilities. Governor Greg Abbott is calling a special session, holding new state funding hostage in exchange for vouchers. Once again, we pray, the Texas House of Representatives will stop the voucher proposal. The Ho


Parents File Complaint to New York State, Demanding Reduced Class Sizes

The press release is self-explanatory: Contact: Leonie Haimson, Class Size Matters, 917-435-9329; Wendy Lecker, Education Law Center, 203-536-7567, NYC PARENTS FILE COMPLAINT TO ENFORCE LAW TO REDUCE CLASS SIZE Demand Department of Education Reduce Class Size as Mandated in State Law Today, nine parents from every New York City borough filed a petit
Ed Johnson: Neo-Colonialism in Africa–and Atlanta

Ed Johnson is a passionate advocate for quality education for all. He lives in Atlanta. Ed is a follower of the philosophy of W. Edwards Deming, who taught that you don’t blame frontline workers for the failure of the system and its poor leadership. He frequently writes letters to the members of the Atlanta Board of Education, hoping to enlighten them. Here is the latest: New-age colonialism in A
Graduation Speech: “You Said We Couldn’t Succeed, But You Were Wrong”

Jo Lieb, who blogs as “Poetic Justice,” posted the powerful graduation speech written and delivered by Coral Ortiz, with Coral’s permission. Coral just graduated from a public high school in New Haven, Connecticut. When we were young, we were taught that we were “one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.” Our country taught us that no matter our income or race, we would
A Guide to Voucher Jargon and Doublespeak

The NEA posted a handy explanation of the differences among current voucher programs. Learn to understand Betsy DeVos’s euphemisms. School vouchers are actually unpopular, which is why their advocates call them by another term. “Voucher devotees like DeVos know this, which is why the term “school voucher” has been ditched in favor of more appealing terms. “Take for example this line from DeVos’ s
Have You Heard? “Personalized Learning” and the Disruption of Education

Now that we live in the new gig economy, where kids in their 20s become instant multimillionaires by disrupting every industry, here come the hawkers of (de)personalized learning to replace teachers with smart (but not cheap) machines. These machines never need pensions or health care. They don’t care about tenure or due process. Jennifer Berkshire (once known as EduShyster) and historian of educ

Peter Greene: “Personalized Learning” and the Great Bait-and-Switch

Peter Greene explains the hoax at the heart of “personalized learning.” The appeal is that it is customized just for you. The reality is that it is a standardized algorithm that adjusts to your responses but doesn’t you from Adam or Eve. The 
Diane Ravitch's blog | A site to discuss better education for all: