Monday, July 17, 2017

Does KIPP Deserve To Expand In Philly? | Gary Rubinstein's Blog

Does KIPP Deserve To Expand In Philly? | Gary Rubinstein's Blog:

Does KIPP Deserve To Expand In Philly?

Charter schools are a large component of the modern education reform movement.  In theory, the charters will get better results because with the added autonomy they get, there is also added accountability.  A charter school can lose its charter for poor performance.  ‘High performing’ charters with a proven track record will also have the opportunity to expand while ‘low performing’ charters will not have their charters renewed.  This survival of the fittest as charter schools compete with each other and with the public schools will, supposedly, cause the school system to evolve more quickly than the incremental improvements of the traditional school system.
KIPP is one of the largest and best known charter networks in the country.  There are currently five KIPP schools in Philadelphia, two elementary schools, two middle schools, and one high school.
An article recently ran on the Philadelphia Website called ‘The Notebook’ about KIPP’s applications to expand and how some in the community are skeptical because of the poor performance of the KIPP schools.
I looked at the recent school report card for their one and only high school, KIPP DuBois High School.  Though they don’t have letter grades, they do have six levels with different Does KIPP Deserve To Expand In Philly? | Gary Rubinstein's Blog: