Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Betsy DeVos Speaks About Special Education!

Betsy DeVos Speaks About Special Education!:

Betsy DeVos Speaks About Special Education!

While parents wonder what will happen to their children with disabilities and their schooling due to the possibility of cuts to Medicaid, we’ve wondered, where’s Betsy?
As families try to make sense of the information provided online by the Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation, it would be nice to see DeVos speak out in support of children on this issue.
Never fear. Betsy has been getting some lessons in her Special Education 101 class at Trump University. O.K. I made that  up. I don’t know who’s coaching Betsy.
It couldn’t be Jason Botel, Acting Assistant Secretary for Elementary and Secondary Education and Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Elementary and Secondary Education. Botel came from Teach for America and KIPP.
I also don’t think DeVos ever appointed an Acting Assistant Secretary for Special Betsy DeVos Speaks About Special Education!: