Thursday, July 20, 2017

Badass Teachers Association: Test-Based Accountability – Smokescreen for Cowardly Politicians and Unscrupulous Corporations by Steven Singer

Badass Teachers Association: Test-Based Accountability – Smokescreen for Cowardly Politicians and Unscrupulous Corporations by Steven Singer:

Test-Based Accountability – Smokescreen for Cowardly Politicians and Unscrupulous Corporations 

by Steven Singer

Originally posted at:

There is no single education policy more harmful than test-based accountability.
The idea goes like this: We need to make sure public schools actually teach children, and the best way to do that is with high stakes standardized testing.
It starts from the assumption that the problems with our school system are all service-based. Individual schools or districts are not providing quality services. Teachers and administrators are either screwing up or don’t care enough to do the job.
What is in question is its importance.