Monday, July 10, 2017

Badass Teachers Association: Chronicles of a Special Needs Parent by Melissa Tomlinson

Badass Teachers Association: Chronicles of a Special Needs Parent by Melissa Tomlinson:

Chronicles of a Special Needs Parent 

by Melissa Tomlinson

Special needs parenting is highly emotional and highly complicated. 

We have to develop really thick skin. At home, our kids are normal. In the street, it sometimes surprises us how different our babies are.

Picture this, we roll up, and a group of really cute kids see another kid to play with. There is excitement. But as they get closer they see that something is off. And they begin to ask questions, which is soooo sweet but they are so hard to answer. "WHY IS HIS EYE LIKE THAT?" WHY IS HE SHAKING HIS HEAD LIKE THAT...WHY IS HE IN THAT STROLLER???" Lord ....I just got here lol. I try to answer. "Well, he was born that way." "Born that way, how?"

I know preemie means nothing to a five-year old, and neither does cerebral palsy, so I try this... "WELL he is special needs". "What does that mean?" Lol I know most parents haven't taught inclusion just yet. Then I go to, "He likes sports do you like sports" lol. Their sweetness touches me and I leave wishing he could play with bad. And they leave seeming to wish the same thing. But they get it. He is different. Skin. Thickens.

Life is a mix of accepting the reality, hoping it changes and needing to feel like you belong right where you are. And when you are a writer, writing semi long diary entry Facebook "let's be real for a moment" posts in hopes to make something of it all. Inspire. Share. Let people in. Keep going.

So until I figure out a solution, or a proper answer, or until his peers are a Badass Teachers Association: Chronicles of a Special Needs Parent by Melissa Tomlinson: