Tuesday, June 13, 2017

The Bizarro World of Illinois school funding. Democrats sponsor a Rauner bill and Rauner will veto it. | Fred Klonsky

The Bizarro World of Illinois school funding. Democrats sponsor a Rauner bill and Rauner will veto it. | Fred Klonsky:

The Bizarro World of Illinois school funding. Democrats sponsor a Rauner bill and Rauner will veto it.


I wrote yesterday that Beth Purvis, Governor Bruce Rauner’s education advisor, told the press that her boss would veto Senate Bill 1 even though he supports 90% of it.
Hearing this, Mayor Rahm scratched his head in wonder. 
Mayor Rahm Emanuel has some political advice for Gov. Bruce Rauner: When you like 90 percent of a proposal, take yes for an answer.
Others may have scratched their heads and wondered why the Illinois Democrats who control the Illinois House and Senate passed an education funding bill that reflected 90% of what this governor wanted.
Be clear. The only reason Rauner is going to veto this bill is that it gives more money to Chicago.
Rauner dislikes an extra $215 million tucked into the bill for Chicago Public Schools teacher pension help. Rauner spokeswoman Eleni Demertzis said that “will result in the diversion of millions of dollars away from other deserving districts to the Chicago Public Schools.”
“This will occur despite decades of fiscal mismanagement and skipped pension payments by Chicago. We urge legislators to continue to compromise in order to find a solution that ensures all 852 districts across Illinois are treated equitably,” she said in a statement.
This calls for a spit-take.