Saturday, June 3, 2017

Seattle Schools Community Forum: This, Not That in Seattle Schools (Plus one update)

Seattle Schools Community Forum: This, Not That in Seattle Schools (Plus one update):

This, Not That in Seattle Schools (Plus one update)

THIS - As was previous reported by a reader in another thread, Grammy-winning singer John Legend donated funds to wipe out the school lunch debt for parents who had not paid.  Thank you as well to John Lew, a Seattle Schools parent who got the whole thing going. 

The crowdfunding campaign, which was originally started by John Lew, was created with a goal of $20,000 – enough to pay off any and all lunch debt wracked up by families who can't afford to pay for their children's lunches.
Since the story has gotten such widespread media attention, the crowdfunding page has now raised $41,000. All the additional funds will go towards paying nutritious student meals in the future.

In the mean time, however, Lew has started additional crowdfunding campaigns for the Tacoma and Renton school districts as well. Tacoma has already raised $20,000 of its $30,000 goal, while the Renton campaign has reached about half of its attempted $18,000.
Apparently there are some Seattle Schools that are still using a stick on students who opt-out of SBA testing.  From Mercer Middle School:

Parents are going ballistic at the Soup for Teachers Facebook page and I agree.  I'm guessing the Principal Carter didn't get the memo that it IS legal in Seattle Schools Community Forum: This, Not That in Seattle Schools (Plus one update):