Wednesday, June 14, 2017

I want to report a case of child abuse. No, thousands of cases. |

I want to report a case of child abuse. No, thousands of cases. |:

I want to report a case of child abuse. No, thousands of cases.

I want to report a case of child abuse.
Well, no.  Not just one case.
Thousands of cases. Maybe tens of thousands. One for every child in New Jersey who attended class Monday and Tuesday in near 100 degree heat without air conditioning. Who will still be in school next week when the heat returns–and in September.
And child abuse is a crime.
All these children were entrusted to the care of public managers and officials–from school principals to the New Jersey state education commissioner–who probably didn’t think much about the problem.
Didn’t think of it because they were working in air conditioned offices. They were aided and abetted by legislators who, while ready to spend hundreds of millions of dollars–maybe $750 million– to renovate the Statehouse (which already has air conditioned chambers, committee rooms, and offices), won’t provide the schools with the money they need to air conditioned their classrooms.
The worst aider and abettor, of course, is Chris Christie, the governor who wasted $24 million in 2013 for a special US Senate election designed, in part, to I want to report a case of child abuse. No, thousands of cases. |: