Friday, June 16, 2017

CPE update and other miscellany | Deborah Meier on Education

CPE update and other miscellany | Deborah Meier on Education:

CPE update and other miscellany

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Some up-dates.
The situation at Central Park East is complicated. In a few weeks I shall try to sort it out for myself and share that with you. But in short, we have a new interim principal replacing the old one and he may be very helpful. I have my fingers crossed. But the process of choosing principals is anything but democratic and ignores the views of parents and teachers even though it was designed years ago to do the opposite. They are rushing through turning the interim into a permanent position, which is no favor to him or the school. We shall see.
On a personal note I have had another health crisis. I had to go to the hospital and get a stent put into an artery leading to my heart. It has been successfully done and I am home now feeling pretty good.  Thanks, family and friends who helped out this last week!
Both books that I have been co-authoring are finished, more or less. The book on assessment with Matthew Knoester, Beyond testing, published byCPE update and other miscellany | Deborah Meier on Education: