Thursday, May 18, 2017

What If We Held An Election And Nobody Came? – redqueeninla

What If We Held An Election And Nobody Came? – redqueeninla:

What If We Held An Election And Nobody Came?

Image result for What If We Held An Election And Nobody Came?
Shame on you Los Angeles
The international movement admiring “strongmen” leaders which sanctions rhetorical, and sometimes even physical violence, has seen its latest expression in Los Angeles’ battle for public schools.
There are a lot of angry white women out there, and they vote.
Despite a series of rallies in Los Angeles which brought out 750,000 women(+others) to Resist Trumpism, demagoguery and racism, subsequent expressions of outrage have been attenuating at 50,000 for the Science March, 30,000 for the May Day Immigrants’ March, 5,000 for the Tax March and a couple thousand for Earth Day.
And here, now, all this sound and fury seems to have signified nothing. Tuesday was Los Angeles’ chance to actually enact all that resisting so many have been agitating about and what happened? No one turned out to vote.
Yet again, and in even fewer numbers than last time, when push came to shove and despite all that protesting and whinging and keening, Angelenos didn’t belly up to the voting kiosk and ink-a-vote:
Tuesday’s municipal election where actual real-life Resistance was on the line culminated in the devastating, and impactful triumph of appearance over What If We Held An Election And Nobody Came? – redqueeninla: