Sunday, May 21, 2017

The Sunday times. | Fred Klonsky

The Sunday times. | Fred Klonsky:

The Sunday times.

Robert E. Lee, New Orleans.

Stanley Green died on Friday in Paris. He was 68.
“He was one of those journalists who went toward the bullet,” Ms. Tucker said, “because that’s where the story was.”
Stanley Greene was born in Brooklyn on Feb. 14, 1949, and grew up in New Rochelle, N.Y. His father, also Stanley, was an actor, producer, filmmaker and director; his mother, Javotee Sutton Greene, was an actress. His father, an activist devoted to black culture, was blacklisted as a Communist in the 1950s and was reduced to taking anonymous bit parts.
Aleppo, 2013. CreditStanley Greene/Noor
The younger Mr. Greene had a “somewhat privileged yet traumatic childhood,” said his longtime friend Jules Allen. “There was a loneliness there that was insatiable, but he was blessed enough to at least partially deal with his pain through photography.”
As a teenager, Mr. Greene joined the Black Panthers and was active in the antiwar movement. His dreams of becoming a painter gave way to photography, and he was The Sunday times. | Fred Klonsky: