Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Betsy DeVos elaborates on school choice

Betsy DeVos elaborates on school choice:

Betsy DeVos elaborates on school choice

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In a speech at an Indianapolis summit hosted by the American Federation for Children Education, Monday, Secretary Betsy DeVos spoke regarding the policy of “School Choice” advocated by President Donald Trump’s administration. Although DeVos did not give away any immediate details regarding the policy, she did make it explicitly clear that the ultimate choice of the children’s education will be left with the parents and not Washington D.C.
“When it comes to education, no solution, not even ones we like, should be dictated or run from Washington, D.C.,” DeVos said, Fox News reported.
Under the “School Choice” policy, every child would receive a vast number of quality choices when it comes to picking schools, informed DeVos, branding it "the most ambitious expansion" of school choice in the history of the United States.
Secretary Of Education Betsy DeVos, testifies during her confirmation hearing before the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee in the Dirksen Senate Office Building on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C., Jan. 17, 2017. Photo: Getty Images/ Chip Somodevilla
She further added that American school education is stuck in “a closed system that relies on one-size-fits-all solutions,” from the ancient times and the new policy would endeavor to make it more flexible with a wide range of choices for parents and their children.
Some of the areas of improvement when it comes to education would be the role that technology plays in school education and allowing parents to have the primary role when it comes to choosing the education option that is the best for their children.
DeVos also hoped that “School Choice” would finally give the states both the freedom and Betsy DeVos elaborates on school choice:

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 Betsy DeVos advocates for national school choice programs in Indy - TheIndyChannel.com Indianapolis, IN - http://www.theindychannel.com/news/local-news/betsy-devos-advocates-for-national-school-choice-programs-in-indy on @rtv6