Friday, April 21, 2017

The Birth of Fake News: Portrait of the Movement

The Birth of Fake News: Portrait of the Movement

Did you ever wonder how Fake News gets it start? The Corporate Education Reform Vanity Press produces a "research" report that touts the so called blessings of Privatization. The Report is then published as gospel on various Fake News websites like The 74, then it is repeated by other Fake News sites Like the Choice Media, LA Schools Report, etc. Before long you read in your local newspaper that there is proof that Charter Schools are better, just read the report. Never once mentioning that it was produced by the evil forces of privatization. And so it goes...

CA Charter Schools Beating the Odds: Charter Students Learning More than Peers in Traditional Schools

(Sacramento, CA) - Today the California Charter Schools Association (CCSA) released its fifth "Portrait of the Movement" report. The 2017 report echoes prior research and highlights strong outcomes among charter schools serving California's historically disadvantaged students.
"This report shows that California charter schools continue to beat the odds by helping their students achieve at higher levels than their peers in traditional public schools," said Jed Wallace, president and CEO, CCSA. "Year after year we see charter schools in California using their freedom and flexibility to deliver results for students that surpass expectations."
Overall, this report reveals California's charter public schools are successfully striving towards full implementation of Common Core, and continue to outperform traditional public schools at disproportionately high numbers. Charter school trends in performance are stable since the transition from the Academic Performance Index (API), as charters continue to positively serve the most historically disadvantaged and vulnerable students. The 2017 Portrait of the Movement documents that charters are achieving academic success across various student demographic groups and geographies, and within different charter school types. At the same time, the report identifies areas of focus as the sector has further to go in meeting the academic needs of all students, because there are still too many under performing charter schools in the state.
"Though charters still educate a relatively small proportion of California's students (9% in 2015-16), they are having a disproportionate impact on student learning," said Elizabeth