Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Seattle Schools Community Forum: Option Schools and Larger Class Sizes

Seattle Schools Community Forum: Option Schools and Larger Class Sizes:

Option Schools and Larger Class Sizes

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I hadn't intended to write about this yet as I am still waiting for some answers from the district but here's what is being said at the Soup for Teachers Facebook page:

If you are at one of the option schools listed below -- you will have LARGER class room sizes in 2017/2018.

Option schools are being enrolled at 26 students for kindergarten - 3rd grade while attendance area schools are being enrolled at LOWER class sizes (22). (HCC is a “pathway” school, and while erroneously listed on the option school website, it will have the lower class ratio.)

The district is doing this because:

--two option schools (Pathfinder and language immersion) asked for larger K cohorts to mitigate attrition at the upper grades;

--More parents are asking for option school placements than there are spots;

While some option schools have asked for flexibility, the MAJORITY of option schools do not want increased class room size. 
Increasing classrooms at K is a 6-year commitment.

To mitigate the increase in size the district is offering additional funds for 2017/2018 and “funding” option schools at the 22:1 ratio.

For Thornton Creek this means we’d get an additional 1.0 FTE, .5 PCP and a .5 certificated staff. There is no guarantee that this funding will continue in future years.

And more importantly, while we appreciate that the district is Seattle Schools Community Forum: Option Schools and Larger Class Sizes: