Friday, April 14, 2017

Seattle Schools Community Forum: Fill Out Your Invoice and Send It to the Legislature + Friday Open Thread

Seattle Schools Community Forum: Fill Out Your Invoice and Send It to the Legislature:

Fill Out Your Invoice and Send It to the Legislature

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Friday Open Thread

 Teens Take a Stand: Learning about your rights - a program on Friday, April 21st at the Douglass Truth Library from 4-5:30 pm. 

We are now in the home stretch for this legislative session but it's a safe bet that the budget will not be done (because of McCleary).  Good point here from WPD Facebook:
Hypocrisy: WA legislature doubling down on unconstitutional funding of charter schools citing "the will of the voters" in 2016, while rescinding constitutional ST3 funding in 2017 that voters passed. We see you and your voting records. Don't you dare rescind the class-size reduction we all voted for. This is getting ridiculous.
Yes, it's amazing when a majority vote is the "will of the people" when it suits the legislature's purposes but when it doesn't, sorry, your vote doesn't matter.

Also in the home stretch is filing to run for the Seattle School Board.  That date is May 19th.  What we know for certain is that Director Blanford will not be running.  Huge opening in that district.  The other two spots up are in districts currently represented by Director Peters and Director Patu.  My read is that Peters is hitting her stride and may want to continue on.  Director Patu has had eight long years (that included the death of her husband, Von Paul) but I get the vibe that the work sustains her and she may run again.

Happy Easter and Happy Passover!  (Of course, with the battles of words about actions between Trump and the North Korean leader, by Monday we may be at war so make it a good, safe weekend.)
Friday Open Thread

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