Tuesday, April 11, 2017

NaughtyBots Part 1: Articles | Truth in American Education

NaughtyBots Part 1: Articles | Truth in American Education:

NaughtyBots Part 1: Articles

coverThis is the first part in a four part NaughtyBots series about the #commoncore Project: How Social Media is Changing the Politics of Education. I refer to it as a project since it says Project in the title rather than research. The research issue will be addressed in the fourth part of the series.
I should say at the start that it may appear at times that I stray from addressing this Project, but in my eyes, I do so no more than those who conducted this project, hereinafter referred to as the project undertakers.
This first installment presents hotlinks to the press release for this project followed by a number of related articles. You are encouraged to read the press release and see if articles are basically “retweeting” without questioning the information. Do you think the article authors read the actual project report? Articles pushing back against the project information and other articles are listed after the supporting articles. It may be fair to say that both sides are biased, but does fairness even matter anymore?
If a person only had time to read one of these articles, I would recommend reading Three sournote1Problems With CPRE’s Twitter Bot Claims. After that, if you are up for some entertaining reading, try The Anti-#CommonCore Movement on Twitter: Thousands of angry people? Or one well-paid Floridian robot? To get this kind of response, the Twitter activity must be hitting a sour note with some Common Core proponents.

Biased Articles Supporting the Project
Do the people writing articles about this so-called “research” even bother reading the report? If they do, are they so enamored with the confusing interactive presentation or dazzled by the presented information that they don’t bother to question the report’s veracity?
Common Core, Automated Advocacy, & Media Coverage
“It’s unclear whether those mass tweets influenced the course of events as various states changed their minds about the curriculum standards. And there’s no concrete evidence #PJNET’s efforts NaughtyBots Part 1: Articles | Truth in American Education: