Sunday, April 2, 2017

Charter Leaders Take A Weak Stand Against DeVos | Gary Rubinstein's Blog

Charter Leaders Take A Weak Stand Against DeVos | Gary Rubinstein's Blog:

Charter Leaders Take A Weak Stand Against DeVos

An editorial ran in USA Today recently penned by three CEOs of ‘high performing’ Charter Chains, Achievement First, KIPP, and Uncommon Schools.  It ran under the title ‘Mr. Trump, Don’t boost our budget while cutting education: Charter school CEOs.’
In the new budget despite massive cuts to education, the charter school industry will see a $168 million increase.  About this, the charter CEOs wrote:
As public charter school operators, we appreciate the proposed investment in new schools like ours.
But we cannot support the president’s budget as proposed, and we are determined to do everything in our power to work with Congress and the administration to protect the programs that are essential to the broader needs of our students, families and communities.
Budgets are statements of priorities, and this one sends a clear message that public education is not a top priority.
Of course the usual gang of ed reform cheerleaders received it enthusiastically:
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And even some praise from charter school opponents:
Screen Shot 2017-04-01 at 8.39.53 PMI can see why an organization like the UFT might celebrate this piece.  For years there has been bipartisan support for the modern style of education reform which features charter Charter Leaders Take A Weak Stand Against DeVos | Gary Rubinstein's Blog: