Monday, March 20, 2017

The Graduation Crisis In One Page

The Graduation Crisis In One Page:

The Graduation Crisis In One Page

Jeanne Melvin, President of Public Education Partners (PEP), has compressed information about the graduation crisis into one page.  The bottom line of her 12 point synthesis is that the legislature must act to reduce the number of high stakes testing.
Because of new graduation requirements created by the Ohio General Assembly, “one third of Ohio’s Class of 2018 is now at risk of not receiving a high school diploma” and “the percentage of non-graduates could reach 60-70 percent in urban areas.”
State officials must consult with public school personnel-not ALEC, not DC, not Gates, Walton, Eli Broad and other foundations, not David Brennen and Bill Lager, not Betsy DeVos and corporate privatizers-when developing public education policy.
William L. Phillis, Ohio Coalition for Equity & Adequacy of School Funding
The Graduation Crisis In One Page: