Monday, March 6, 2017

Seattle Schools Community Forum: Superintendent Nyland's Letter on Budget

Seattle Schools Community Forum: Superintendent Nyland's Letter on Budget:

Superintendent Nyland's Letter on Budget

Image result for Superintendent Nyland's Letter on Budget

I assume that many of you may have seen this but in case you have not, here is

Dr. Nyland's March 2 Letter to Families Regarding Budget Update.
(The highlighted area in red is mine indicating where I think the most people will see the impact.  I will have to ask about the class size reduction situation as I thought K-3 was protected.)
2017-18 Potential Budget Deficit Update

Dear Seattle Public Schools Families:

This is an update on next year’s budget situation. As you know, due to the state’s delay in fully funding education, Seattle Public Schools faces a $74 million budget shortfall for 2017-18.

As a district, we must advocate for both short and long term funding solutions. It is important the Legislature’s proposed solutions address our 2017-18 deficit as well as ensure we can offer our students a 21st century education for years to come.

Short Term Solution

Most of the 2017-18 budget shortfall is related to salaries and compensation, something the state should be fully funding, but $30 million of our deficit is because the state has reduced how much we can collect from already approved local levies. Unless the state Legislature takes action, our local levy authority will reduce before the state has provided additional funding to backfill for the decrease.
This misalignment of state activities is called the Levy Cliff. Our Seattle Legislative delegation has been working diligently to obtain temporary relief from the Levy Cliff. I want to thank our delegation for their good work and we remain cautiously hopeful there will be a positive solution for Seattle, but it is unclear when relief may be provided and how much funding will be restored. While a Levy Cliff bill has passed the House of Representatives, the Senate has not acted upon it.

Long Term Solution

There are four state education budget plans on the table right now: the governor’s education plan, House Democrats’ HB1843, Senate Republicans’ SB5607, and SB5825 sponsored by Senator Mullet. The good news is all Seattle Schools Community Forum: Superintendent Nyland's Letter on Budget: