Monday, March 27, 2017

Paul Vallas again? Really? | Fred Klonsky

Paul Vallas again? Really? | Fred Klonsky:

Paul Vallas again? Really?

I have always believed there are two main reasons we in Illinois suffer from having Bruce Rauner as governor.
Pat Quinn decided he was placed on this earth to cut public employee pensions.
He picked Paul Vallas as his running mate.
Quinn lost by a mere 70,000 votes statewide. I pin that tiny margin on pensions and Vallas.
Vallas screws up anything he does. He is like Midas in reverse. Everything he touches turns to shit.
But, jeez, don’t the school privatizers just love him.
His actual job resume is shaky:  Fired as CPS CEO. Fired as NOLA recovery school’s chief after Katrina. Fired as Bridgeport, Connecticut schools superintendent for lacking basic educational credentials. Shown the door in Philadelphia.
He might as well have been a coach in professional sports where white guys also seem to get another coaching job no matter how bad they are.
The news that he is being promoted by Bruce Rauner to run the underfunded Chicago Paul Vallas again? Really? | Fred Klonsky: