Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Koch Bros Funded Publication Criticizes – ME – on School Choice! | gadflyonthewallblog

Koch Bros Funded Publication Criticizes – ME – on School Choice! | gadflyonthewallblog:

Koch Bros Funded Publication Criticizes – ME – on School Choice!

You know you’ve made it when the Koch Brothers are funding a critique of your work.
Most of the time I just toil in obscurity.
I sit behind my computer furiously pounding away at the keys sending my little blog entries out onto the Interwebs never expecting much of a reply.
Sure I get fervent wishes for my death.
And the occasional racist diatribe that only tangentially has anything to do with what I wrote.
But a response from a conservative Web magazine funded by the world’s most famous billionaire brothers!?
I guess this is what the big time feels like!
I had to be taken down.
And they had just the person to do it – far right religious author Mary C. Tillotson.
Which is kinda’ wrong from the get-go.
Yes, I published my article in the Huffington Post, but it is not exactly indicative of the editorial slant of that publication. Sure, HuffPo leans left, but it routinely published articles that are extremely favorable to school choice. Heck! Michelle Rhee is a freakin’ contributor!
So I don’t think it’s fair to blame HuffPo for my ideas on school choice. A better title might have been “Top 10 Reasons Singer Doesn’t Get School Choice,” but who the Heck is Singer and why should anyone care!?
Then she gives a quick summary of how my whole piece is just plain wrong: “Steven Singer of The Huffington Post would have you believe that when parents have more choices, they have fewer choices.”
That’s like writing “Steven Singer of Consumer Reports would have you believe Koch Bros Funded Publication Criticizes – ME – on School Choice! | gadflyonthewallblog: