Wednesday, March 15, 2017

It’s not just public schools that are being defunded to death. | Reclaim Reform

It’s not just public schools that are being defunded to death. | Reclaim Reform:

It’s not just public schools that are being defunded to death

It’s not just public schools that are being defunded to death. Betsy DeVos is the tip of merely one crumbling iceberg. Dismantling America’s essential social services is highly profitable for an oligarchy of corporate billionaires and their political cronies. Shock and Awe methods assure that multiple targets are hit fast and hard to keep people divided, to avoid mass resistance for a single cause. Ask Naomi Klein how this works.
For 24 million American men, women and children, a death panel looks like President Trump and Speaker of the House Paul Ryan – with the smiling approval of the majority of Congress. “Healthcare” that condemns 24 million Americans to slow and painful It’s not just public schools that are being defunded to death. | Reclaim Reform: