Saturday, March 4, 2017

Immigrant students tweet to Trump: This is how our families help make America great - The Washington Post

Immigrant students tweet to Trump: This is how our families help make America great - The Washington Post:

Immigrant students tweet to Trump: This is how our families help make America great

Bruce Randolph School is a public school in Denver with this mission: “to graduate 100 percent of seniors prepared to succeed without remediation in a four-year college or university.” With more than 850 students in grades 6 to 12, the school mainly serves low-income and minority families, many from Hispanic and immigrant backgrounds. That makes it all the more remarkable that each year 100 percent of the senior class is accepted to college, according to its website.
Recently, sixth and seventh graders from immigrant families at Bruce Randolph undertook a project in their English language development class to come up with something that school leaders could take with them on an upcoming trip to Washington to meet with Colorado’s representatives in Congress,  as the education website Chalkbeat reported.
It came at a time when immigrant communities around the country have been concerned about President Trump’s actions to crack down on undocumented immigrants and when the Denver Board of Education passed a resolution promising to protect the information of its immigrant students and work to prevent any interruption to their education. (See the resolution below.)
Chalkbeat reported that teachers decided students should learn about the contributions of immigrants to the United States, how President Trump won the 2016 election and how he uses Twitter to communicate with Americans:
Last week, the students watched the film “A Day Without a Mexican,” which takes a satirical look at what would happen if all of California’s Mexicans suddenly disappeared. They watched a short PBS “Frontline” piece about Trump’s ascendancy. And they learned the language of Twitter — character counts, how to tweet at people, how hashtags work.
Then students wrote their own tweets about why immigrants are valuable to American society, and teacher Mandy Rees posted them to a newly created Twitter account.
Here are some of the tweets students wrote:
Without immigrants there would not be enough money for the government. 
@realdolnaldtrump Immigrants are part of this community!