Thursday, March 9, 2017

Former Jeb Bush Foundation Staffers Working at Trump's Ed. Dept. - Politics K-12 - Education Week

Former Jeb Bush Foundation Staffers Working at Trump's Ed. Dept. - Politics K-12 - Education Week:

Former Jeb Bush Foundation Staffers Working at Trump's Ed. Dept.

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At least three staffers who are part of the initial Trump administration team at the U.S. Department of Education appear to have, at one point or another, worked for the Foundation for Excellence in Education. That's the education reform organization started by former Gov. Jeb Bush, a Republican from Florida and President Donald Trump's one-time GOP primary rival. 
They include:
  • Josh Venable, who has played a key role in the transition, spent almost two years as the national director of advocacy and legislation at the foundation;
  • Andrew Kossack, who did a seven-month stint at the foundation as a deputy policy director;
  • Neil Ruddock, who appears to have served as the foundation's regional advocacy director for the past four years.
Bush's foundation advocates for school choice, requiring students to demonstrate literacy at the end of 3rd grade, and digital education, among other issues.
We've previously reported that Venable and Kossack were part of the inital "beach head" team at the...Former Jeb Bush Foundation Staffers Working at Trump's Ed. Dept. - Politics K-12 - Education Week: