Thursday, March 2, 2017

Donald Trump and Betsy DeVos Are Right? by Cheryl Binkley - Badass Teachers Association:

Badass Teachers Association: Donald Trump and Betsy DeVos Are Right? by Cheryl Binkley:

Donald Trump and Betsy DeVos Are Right? 

by Cheryl Binkley

Originally posted at:

Donald Trump and Betsy DeVos are right, at least about one thing.  Education is the Civil Rights Issue of the 21st Century. 

However, their statement has further reaching and deeper implications than either imagines.

When DeVos and Trump use the term Civil Rights, they are thinking of what our political system “allows” people of color to have.  That is Not What Civil Rights Are. 

Civil Rights belong to everyone, including Blacks, Whites, Immigrants, and Indigenous People– All Peoples regardless of exceptionalisms. Civil Rights are those Inalienable rights Jefferson talked about- Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.

At this moment in our history, the greed of Free Market Capitalism, in the form of Global Corporations, is trying to take All our Civil Rights away.  In their paradigm all assets are for private ownership, to be bought and sold for gain, with no room for inalienable rights to be 
Badass Teachers Association: Donald Trump and Betsy DeVos Are Right? by Cheryl Binkley: