Saturday, March 4, 2017

CURMUDGUCATION: Education44: Obama USED Parting Shot

CURMUDGUCATION: Education44: Obama USED Parting Shot:

Education44: Obama USED Parting Shot

March continues to come in like a lion who really wants to create a blog about his experiences over the past five or eight years. We have looked at FutureEd and The Line, two new websites that are make sure we can all still get to hear the voices of a bunch of ed reform types who wouldn't shut up for the last decade. FutureEd has set out to plug Common Core and all the fun things that came with it, while The Line seems dedicated to making sure that Chiefs for Change and the Broady axis of reform still get the word out (I am wondering if Peter Cunningham, previously tasked with this important work at Education Post, is feeling abandoned).

But good lord, that's not all. Because who needs a website to get the word out about their hard work then the folks at the Obama Department of Education.

Oh, the fun we had trashing public ed

That's right-- a bunch of USED refugees have created a website as a monument to eight years of.. well, we'll get to that. Of all these sites, Education44 most explicitly promises to keep its eyes on the rear-view mirror of education policy:

Under President Obama – the 44th President of the United States – the U.S. Department of Education worked to make America’s promise attainable for more students. The administration’s agenda focused on protecting access to a high-quality education for all students while reforming and innovating public education to produce greater equity.

Here you will find the legacy of the Obama administration’s work, and a balanced platform where you can learn about policies and ideas for improving public education.

That link takes you to our first legacy document-- John King's exit memo that attempts to sum up 
CURMUDGUCATION: Education44: Obama USED Parting Shot: