Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Schools Matter: Help Wanted, or Will Work of Real Results

Schools Matter: Help Wanted, or Will Work of Real Results:

Help Wanted, or Will Work of Real Results

Image result for Help Wanted, or Will Work of Real Results

I am looking to become aligned with a group, a band, or a cell, of individuals interested in acting to achieve the three goals below by any non-violent means necessary.  

A group of ten souls will constitute a quorum, and upon reaching this number, the group will meet to elect officers, develop by-laws, and priortize a course of action to achieve these goals:

  • adequately and fairly funded public schools for every parent who wants them;
  • safe public schools administered and staffed by professionally prepared educators and support services professionals who are committed to supportive, challenging, economically-integrated, and humane schools that are open to all;
  • curricular, instructional, and assessment methods and content that reflect local values and priorities and that are enacted by elected school boards.
In order to achieve these three goals, basic changes are required as to the present conceptualization, prioritizing, and operations of schools that receive public dollars to operate:
  • all charter school expansion will be halted, and existing charter schools, whether non-profit or for-profit, will be closed as public schools re-integrate these students;
  • grouping of students in segregated classrooms, whether by ability, ethnicity, religion, sex, or sexual preference, will be discontinued;
  • all school voucher programs, regardless of the name used to disguise the intent of such programs to fund private or parochial schools, will be discontinued.
  • Standardized assessment of any kind whose results can be identified with individual students or teachers will no longer be required of school personnel or public school students;