Friday, February 3, 2017

Republicans propose right-wing education bills in Connecticut - Wait What?

Republicans propose right-wing education bills in Connecticut - Wait What?:

Republicans propose right-wing education bills in Connecticut

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The American Legislative Exchange Council is the right-wing, Koch Brothers funded advocacy group that is behind many of the ultra-conservative proposals that have been sweeping state legislatures across the nation.
Here in Connecticut, at least two new ALEC bills have been introduced this session.
One has been introduced by Republican State Representative Candelora (R-86th District) who was one of only two Connecticut state legislators to sign a recent letter in support of Secretary of Education designate Betsy DeVos.
Candelora is pushing an ALEC bill to set up virtual on-line schools in Connecticut despite the overwhelming evidence that on-line virtual schools have been an unmitigated disaster in every state that has adopted the concept.  See
Meanwhile, another Republican legislator, State Representative Rosa Rebimbas  (R-70th District) is pushing another ALEC concept, School Vouchers, which are designed to shift scarce public funds away from public schools and give the dollars to private and parochial schools.  The legislation, House Bill 6814 would set up a system of Education Savings Accounts, a form of school vouchers. See
As for ALEC, the Center for Media and Democracy has been tracking their Republicans propose right-wing education bills in Connecticut - Wait What?:
Image result for big education ape american legislative exchange council education;
 Image result for big education ape american legislative exchange council education