Monday, February 6, 2017

Deflecting Trump In LAUSD4 – redqueeninla

Deflecting Trump In LAUSD4 – redqueeninla:
Deflecting Trump In LAUSD4

On March 7, 2017, Los Angeles will play a duplicate round of last November’s presidential election, and we’ll have the opportunity to trump last year’s presidential fiasco.
Since January 20, the billionaires have displayed a dummy hand of hubris, lies and slander. That is, the same hand playing out right now in DC, is being played right here in LA by multi-millionaire, former-mayor Dick Riordan. The choice of the monied-1%, champions a dystopian DeVos-flavored future devoid of truly accountable or equitable public education.
In contrast, our path of Resistance steps neatly across the millions of dollars employed to hobble Steve Zimmer’s policies, that are people-responsive, and people-powered. You vote to resist deep-pocketed, super-wealthy, 1%-politics, when you vote in March for LAUSD School Board District 4’s incumbent, Steve Zimmer.
These are some issues to consider when reviewing the leaflets and immutable forum and conversations littering the landscape:
— A school’s “chartering” agency is tasked with its oversight. That means assuring its policies and operations are truly accountable to the public; that means assuring all the public is served, and not just some of it.
At the same time there is inherent tension between any special interest and its regulators, even not-for-profit Charters.
So what will a school-regulatory system look like when it is governed by electeds who are financed by Charter partisans such as the CA Charter Schools Association and private equity Education-sector investors?
Two of Steve Zimmers’ challengers are beholdened financially to precisely such groups and individuals vested in the special-interests of Charter Schools.
Steve Zimmer is not.
Who will be free of bias to regulate these schools in the best interests of all Deflecting Trump In LAUSD4 – redqueeninla: