Wednesday, January 18, 2017

You're Never to Young for Social Justice - SF Public School MomSF Public School Mom

You're Never to Young for Social Justice - SF Public School MomSF Public School Mom:

You’re Never to Young for Social Justice

You’re never to young for social justice. With the Presidential Inauguration Week coming up (aka. a week of protests) this is a great opportunity to model our values with our kids of standing up and speaking up for what’s right.
I’ve put together these resources to share with my girls as we prepare for upcoming political actions, in the weeks and months ahead.


In a recent interview on The Real, the Radical Monarchs are proof that you are never too young to create a radical change.

Why I March

This presentation was created by Melissa Holmes, for her nieces. Many families will be marching together for the first time. This is a great way to explain to younger kids the importance of the Right of Assembly, guaranteed by our U.S. Constitution.
Click here to see the presentation.


Resistance 101 is the introductory lesson for a series teaching the history of resistance. This a lesson for teaching middle and high school students about Inauguration Day.
This is a great resource for teachers. But parents can also use it to help You're Never to Young for Social Justice - SF Public School MomSF Public School Mom: