Tuesday, January 10, 2017

US Ed Sec Nominee Betsy DeVos Has More Firsthand Experience Selecting Carpet Swatches | deutsch29

US Ed Sec Nominee Betsy DeVos Has More Firsthand Experience Selecting Carpet Swatches | deutsch29:

US Ed Sec Nominee Betsy DeVos Has More Firsthand Experience Selecting Carpet Swatches

 DeVos engrossed with carpet.

On January 09, 2017, founder of the Center for Education Reform (CER), Jeanne Allen, issued a press release stating (warning: worn-out phrase coming), “But charter schools are public schools” and adding, “they’re just not the kinds of public schools that the AFT likes.” Allen was responding to American Federation of Teachers (AFT) President Randi Weingarten’s statement about US secretary of education nominee Betsy DeVos’ being “anti-public-education.”
Allen maintains that Weingarten is wrong since DeVos supports charter schools.
At best, charter schools are only partially public schools: They often take public money without answering to the public via elected boards.
CER’s email notification of its press release included the following statement:
Union’s language and rhetoric should be rebuffed by every American teacher
That will not be happening. In order for The Rebuff to occur, *every American teacher* would have to buy into the idea that there really is no distinction between charter schools and actual public schools– with “public schools” being defined as those that enroll any student at any point in the school year, and that are operated by elected school boards, and that cannot refuse a board-determined audit of their finances or other operations.
Still, those occupying the soft seats of ed reform like Allen continue to try to press-US Ed Sec Nominee Betsy DeVos Has More Firsthand Experience Selecting Carpet Swatches | deutsch29: