Saturday, January 7, 2017

Saturday With Diane Ravitch's blog | A site to discuss better education for all

Diane Ravitch's blog | A site to discuss better education for all:

Democrats Call for Delay in DeVos Hearing Until She Completes Financial Report

Democrats in the Senate say that Betsy Devos’ hearing should be delayed because she has not completed her financial disclosure, which is required of all Cabinet appointments. Presumably, she has an accountant.
Democrats are pushing to delay Betsy DeVos’ confirmation hearing next Wednesdaybecause the billionaire philanthropist’s finances haven’t yet been cleared by ethics officials, nor has she signed an agreement addressing possible conflicts of interest.
Sen. Patty Murray, the committee’s top Democrat, says that she’s concerned about the “extensive financial entanglements and potential conflicts of interest” of President-elect Donald Trump’s pick for Education secretary.
An aide to Murray told POLITICO that “it would certainly be concerning if nominees break from standard practice and don’t submit their ethics paperwork in advance of a hearing.”
Although DeVos submitted her financial disclosures to the Office of Government Ethics on Dec. 12, she is still in discussions to finalize the paperwork and sign an agreement addressing possible conflicts of interest, according to her spokesman, Ed Patru.
The ethics office, in coordination with the Education Department, is responsible for identifying any conflicts of interest that DeVos might have and striking an agreement with her to recuse herself from certain decisions to avoid future conflicts.
Senate HELP Chairman Lamar Alexander indicated he plans to move ahead with the Jan. 11hearing, regardless of whether the paperwork is finalized. Committee rules don’t require the ethics office to clear a Diane Ravitch's blog | A site to discuss better education for all:

Jared Kushner, Trump Son-in-Law, Working on Big Deal with Chinese Investors
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Betsy DeVos Has Funded Senators Who Will Vote on Her Nomination
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Republicans Prepared to Spend Billions for Trump’s Wall on Southern Border
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Democrats Call for Delay in DeVos Hearing Until She Completes Financial Report
Democrats in the Senate say that Betsy Devos’ hearing should be delayed because she has not completed her financial disclosure, which is required of all Cabinet appointments. Presumably, she has an accountant. Democrats are pushing to delay Betsy DeVos’ confirmation hearing next Wednesdaybecause the billionaire philanthropist’s finances haven’t yet been cleared by ethics officials, nor has she si
Matt Wyatt: Invest in Public Schools, Not Charters
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STOP: Our Government Wants to Create a National Database about Everyone, Including YOUR Children
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Christopher Cotton: Hail to the Tweeter-in-Chief
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Jan Resseger: Parents and Concerned Citizens In Ohio Are Appalled by DeVos and Resolve to Fight Her Nomination
Jan Resseger is the kind of activist that every community needs. She is devoted to the Common Good and she takes action. Read here about her efforts t o alert and mobilize her local community to stand up against privatization. She begins: 
Diane Ravitch's blog | A site to discuss better education for all: