Monday, January 16, 2017

President Obama’s “Bubble” and Our Fear of Losing America’s Democratic Public Schools

President Obama’s “Bubble” and Our Fear of Losing America’s Democratic Public Schools:

President Obama’s “Bubble” and Our Fear of Losing America’s Democratic Public Schools


In the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.
Martin Luther King, Jr.
We become so secure in our bubbles, that we start only accepting information, whether it’s true or not, that fits our opinions.
President Obama’s Farewell Address, January 10, 2017
On Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, I look to education. For many of us, it is our democratic public schools that present the best opportunity to bring children together, in a world where people are torn apart. I think Martin Luther King, Jr. would agree.
Our schools should be united as one strong democratic system. They should be owned by the people in this great nation, committed to teaching, not just how to tolerate our differences, but how to enjoy one another and lift each other up.
Public schools should give all of us hope.
Our democratic public school system should be a shining beacon to the rest of thePresident Obama’s “Bubble” and Our Fear of Losing America’s Democratic Public Schools: