Wednesday, January 25, 2017

JONATHAN PELTO: DeVos doesn’t know the ABCs of public education | TheHill

DeVos doesn’t know the ABCs of public education | TheHill:

DeVos doesn’t know the ABCs of public education

Betsy DeVos leaves education advocates even more worried about the future of public education policy under Trump Like much in Washington these days, there were two completely different and contrary narratives following Education Secretary nominee Betsy DeVos’ confirmation hearing last week.
Trump loyalists celebrated what appeared to be DeVos successful effort to keep from derailing her own confirmation, while public education advocates strengthen their belief that DeVos’ performance reiterated their worst fears about the pro-charter school champion.
But for her reference that guns might be needed in schools to fight off grizzly bears, the Republican Senate majority must be breathing a sigh of relief as they as prepare to confirm DeVos as the nation’s next election chief.
On the other hand, educators and education advocates are reeling from a combination of frustration, incredulousness and downright anger having watched a hearing that revealed that DeVos lacks the fundamental experience and basic understanding of the issues one would want and expect in the person chosen to serve as the Secretary of the United States Department of Education.
On a wide variety of issues of concern to educators, parents and those who support public education, DeVos appeared ignorant of the law, unwilling to commit to implementing federal law or simply unwilling to answer questions about her agenda should she be confirmed.
In one of the most illuminating moments of the evening, HELP Committee ranking Democrat, Sen. Patty Murray (D-WA) asked DeVos, “Can you commit to us that you will not work to privatize public schools…?”
Although DeVos fundamentally ducked the retorting that she would strive to find “common ground” that would give parents “options,” she made it extremely clear that she would remain loyal to the charter school industry DeVos doesn’t know the ABCs of public education | TheHill: