Monday, January 30, 2017

Hartford Courant reporting – Harold Sparrow withdraws candidacy for Hartford School Board - Wait What?

Hartford Courant reporting – Harold Sparrow withdraws candidacy for Hartford School Board - Wait What?:

Hartford Courant reporting – Harold Sparrow withdraws candidacy for Hartford School Board

Image result for big education ape Harold Sparrow

In a breaking story entitled, Amid Controversy, Sparrow Withdraws Candidacy For Hartford School Board, the Hartford Courant is reporting that Harold Sparrow has asked Mayor Bronin to withdraw his nomination for the Hartford School Board.  The Courant reports,
Mayor Luke Bronin’s embattled nominee for the city school board, YMCA official Harold Sparrow, has withdrawn his candidacy on the eve of Monday’s confirmation hearing, stating that controversy over his past employment had become a distraction that would take awhile to overcome
Sparrow, 60, president and CEO of the region’s YMCA, was nominated Thursday to fill a vacant seat on the board, with the mayor anticipating the city council’s approval at a special meeting Monday evening.
But then came revelations Friday that Sparrow had once led a black clergymen’s group during a time when the organization was openly against gay marriage.
In 2004, the same year that Massachusetts became the first state in the nation where same-sex couples could marry, the Black Ministerial Alliance of Greater Boston put out a public statement calling for a constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage. Sparrow was the group’s CEO and executive director from 2002 to 2007.
Former state legislator and blogger Jonathan Pelto noted the alliance’s stance in an online post late Friday afternoon. Within hours, Sparrow had distanced himself from the 2004 statement, telling The Courant that it did not reflect his personal views, that he was “unequivocally” in support of marriage equality and LGBTQ rights, and that he has pushed for inclusiveness at the YMCA of Greater Hartford since becoming its leader in 2015.
Bronin told The Courant Friday night that he was unaware of 
Hartford Courant reporting – Harold Sparrow withdraws candidacy for Hartford School Board - Wait What?:

Harold Sparrow – Founding member of a Boston Charter School, former private school trustee – nominated to Hartford School Board
As previous Wait, What? posts explained, (See: Breaking News – Hartford Mayor nominates anti-gay marriage leader for vacancy on the Hartford School Board and Update – His group’s anti-gay marriage position did not represent his own