Sunday, January 1, 2017

Happy New Year’s Eve, Teachers! | deutsch29

Happy New Year’s Eve, Teachers! | deutsch29:

Happy New Year’s Eve, Teachers!

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On this eve of a new year, let us celebrate by taking a moment to remember a favorite teacher, one who inspired us, or challenged us– and one who was not necessarily held high in our estimation until we matured enough to appreciate his/her efforts on our behalf.
In this spirit, I feature a few open letters of appreciation to teachers.
The first is by Taylor Elliot and was posted March 22, 2016, on Fresh U:
I would never have read Catcher in the Rye if it weren’t for your class. I would have never learned that it is okay to question things had it not been for your class. I would have never fallen so madly in love with writing had it not been for your class. I would have not have done a lot of things had it not been for your class. Everyone has their favorite teacher from high school, and everyone could probably spend hours talking about how amazing they were and all the small trinkets of advice they received from said teacher. What is particularly uncommon is when the teacher that tops your list of favorites falls a little lower on other people’s.
This is my letter to you, the teacher who inspired me to major in journalism.
To my favorite teacher,
I would have to say that after everything, I don’t think I have had the chance to properly thank you for your influence on me in high school, and ultimately on my college major. So please, if you are reading this, thank you. I can remember going into your English Literature class my junior year being 
Happy New Year’s Eve, Teachers! | deutsch29: