Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Emails from Jeb’s Cheat’s for Change and Foundation for Excellent Profit in Ed show nonprofits and government working hand in hand to lead states to Common Core and Online Learning

Emails from Jeb’s Chief’s for Change and Foundation for Excellence in Ed show nonprofits and government working hand in hand to lead states to Common Core and Online Learning – Missouri Education Watchdog:

Emails from Jeb’s Chief’s for Change and Foundation for Excellence in Ed show nonprofits and government working hand in hand to lead states to Common Core and Online Learning

Jeb Bush has heavily promoted Common Core; he’s even been referred to as the godfather of ed reform. Betsy DeVos, our newly nominated US Secretary of Education,  is listed as a Board Member on Jeb’s (Pro-Common Core) Foundation for Excellence in Education.
Side note:
For those claiming to be opposed to Common Core,  ending Common Core means:
No aligned standards, No aligned assessments, No teacher accountability based on aligned assessments, No data collection and sharing without parent consent – Return FERPA to pre-2011. No national student database and create laws to protect against data mining.
For those claiming to want School Choice, True  School Choice means:
Let teachers and local schools, parents, and communities choose curriculum and assessments, without penalty.  Let teachers teach.  Ensure option of real books, real teachers, paper-pencil for parents who don’t want their children exposed to screens.  Let students and parents own their data, choose how or if it is shared outside of school.
Common Core involves more than “just standards“.  We need to truly end it.
Common Core was made possible by collaboration between federal and state government and a vast web of nonprofit and nongovernmental entities, and money.  Lots of money. It relies on massive data collection,  teacher accountability based on aligned assessments (eventually embedded formative assessments with real-time data collection), teacher re-training,  moving to online and “blended learning” curriculum instead of text books, changing the traditional knowledge-based education system into a social-emotional  21st century competencies and supply of children as “human capital” for a global workforce.
in the public interest
If you need proof of these statements, look no further than this treasure trove of emails from education reformers like Jeb Bush’s Foundation for Excellence in Education, (FEE),  and another Pro-Common Core reform group of state education Emails from Jeb’s Chief’s for Change and Foundation for Excellence in Ed show nonprofits and government working hand in hand to lead states to Common Core and Online Learning – Missouri Education Watchdog: