Thursday, January 26, 2017

Alert: @NAACP formally opposing @BetsyDeVos – Cloaking Inequity

Alert: @NAACP formally opposing @BetsyDeVos – Cloaking Inequity:

Alert: @NAACP formally opposing @BetsyDeVos

During School Choice Week a white Texas governor tried to convince the public that school choice, including school vouchers, are civil rights. However, the nation’s oldest and largest civil rights organizations appears to disagree with that premise by formally opposing Betsy DeVos, the school choice queen, for US Secretary of Education. (For more on Betsy DeVos click here).
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It was kind of cool that @NAACP tagged me on the photo in their official announcement on Twitter! Here is the press release:

Given the importance of education to the NAACP, and Mrs. Betsy DeVos’ sheer lack of qualifications and her demonstrated lack of commitment to ensuring the ability of all students to receive a high quality public education, the NAACP now officially opposes her confirmation.  The Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions is scheduled to vote on whether to send the DeVos nomination to the floor of the full Senate with a positive recommendation at 10 a.m. on Tuesday, January 31.
We are asking supporters and members to call and urge every Senator to oppose her confirmation. Follow this link to our full Action Alert outlining our concerns and letting you know how you can help effectively.  The final page of the Action Alert includes a list of Senators who serve on the HELP Committee to call.

Please Contact both your Senators and Urge Them to Oppose the Nomination of Betsy DeVos to be US Secretary of Education, especially if they are members of the Senate Committee on Health, Eductaion, Labor and Pensions

Make a Phone Call:

Call your Senators in Washington by dialing the Capitol Switchboard and asking to be transferred to your Senators’ offices. The switchboard phone number is (202) 224-3121 No time for a letter! Call, e-mail, or fax!
Send an Email:
To send an e-mail to your Senators, go to; click on “Find Your Senators”. Look up your Senators by state; go to their web sites for e-mail addresses.
THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION TO THIS IMPORTANT MATTER!!! If you have any questions, call Hilary Shelton at the Washington Bureau at (202) 463-2940.
  • Over 90 percent of America’s children attend public schools in our nation. We owe it to them and to our future to ensure they get the highest quality education possible, regardless of their race, ethnicity, language, disability, gender, sexual orientation, where they live, or station in life.
  • Mrs. DeVos’ sheer lack of qualifications or experience with public schools and her demonstrated lack of commitment to ensuring the ability of all students to receive an adequate education are alarming.
  • Mrs. DeVos’ background is in promoting school vouchers and tax credits to support private schools. These options have been proven to be ineffective for students, families, communities and taxpayers.
Note that it appears KIPP and TFA will be really cozy with the Trump administration as one of their own is rumored to be appointed as the White House Education advisor.
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Alert: @NAACP formally opposing @BetsyDeVos – Cloaking Inequity: