Tuesday, January 3, 2017

A MUST READ for 2017 - FIRST DO NO HARM – Progressive Education in a Time of Existential Risk

A MUST READ for 2017 - FIRST DO NO HARM – Progressive Education in a Time of Existential Risk by Steve Nelson - Wait What?:

A MUST READ for 2017 – FIRST DO NO HARM – Progressive Education in a Time of Existential Risk by Steve Nelson

Image result for FIRST DO NO HARM

Our future depends on preparing today’s young women and men to be thoughtful, creative, engaged citizens. They must be fully alive, in love with the natural world and each other. They must be skeptical, not compliant. They must be deeply idealistic and speak truth to power. They must see the planet as their home, not as an endless source of material goods. They must see all people as their neighbors, not as their competitors in a global contest for military and economic superiority.
-From First Do No Harm, Progressive Education in a Time of Existential Risk
Rather than continue the unrelenting assault on public education that is taking place in the United States, what if we actually worked to develop an American public education system that provided each and every child with the ability to live more fulfilling and productive lives?
That is the essential question that underpins educator and education advocate Steve Nelson’s new book, First Do No Harm, Progressive Education in a Time of Existential Risk.
Using a straight-forward, direct and forceful approach, Steve Nelson lays out the fundamental prospective that rather than turning our classrooms into standardized testing factories and profit centers for the corporate education reform industry, we must reject the dangerous and failed strategies that rely on the expansion of conventional “factory-styled” education, charter schools, the Common Core, the Common Core testing scheme and false assessments that serve as the basis for the notion that punishing students and teachers is was the way to improve academic A MUST READ for 2017 - FIRST DO NO HARM – Progressive Education in a Time of Existential Risk by Steve Nelson - Wait What?: