Thursday, December 22, 2016

Read Me, Please! My favorites from 2016 - Lily's Blackboard

Read Me, Please! My favorites from 2016 - Lily's Blackboard:

Read Me, Please! My favorites from 2016

It’s been a busy year, and if you’re anything like me, you have a growing list of articles you flagged and promised yourself that you’ll get to…eventually. Over the years, I’ve found that the holiday break allows a great opportunity for us to dig in and make a dent into that reading list. Last year I started the “in-case-you-missed-it must reads” list of NEA Today’s award-winning journalism, and I’m excited to share with you some of my favorites.

From closing the achievement gaps and charter schools to inspiring educators and social justice, plus everything in between, these articles should not be missed. So whether you’re going over the river and through the woods to grandmother’s house or staying put for the holidays, make sure to read the amazing stories from the past year.
Achievement Gaps
String rehearsal with violins, viola, cellos, and basses.
The opportunity ESSA presents isn’t a question of interpretation or misplaced hope that things will just be different. It’s right there in the text of the law. Gone are references to “core academic subjects,” highlighted repeatedly in NCLB. In its place is language calling for a “well-rounded education” for all students. (The term appears 24 times in the law.) Everything from arts, physical education, science, civics and government, music and foreign languages is named, making them eligible for federal funding under ESSA.
Empty playground swing with children playing in the background concept for child protection, abduction or loneliness
In recent years, mandatory-recess legislation has been introduced in at least four states, including Florida, Illinois, New Jersey, and Rhode Island. Meanwhile, one Texas school has jacked up its daily allotment of recess to four times a day. Recess supporters point to the health benefits of exercise and movement, the way that physical activity supports cognitive development, plus the critical social and emotional learning that takes place when children have unstructured, free time to play.
 Charter Schools
Many people support the idea behind charter schools, but how many are aware of the mounting troubles the charter industry has experienced lately? Probably not enough. Proponents work very, very hard to maintain a facade of Read Me, Please! My favorites from 2016 - Lily's Blackboard: